SDI Bank

Adaptations, Strategies, and Accommodations

These SDIs were revised in May 2021. The previous SDI bank (expanded form) can be found here.

Homework (appropriate for ALL students)

All homework and independent assignments should meet the following criteria: 1) the student can successfully complete the assignment with no assistance; 2) can complete the assignment in a reasonable amount of time; 3) the assignment focuses on essential understandings and big ideas that have lasting relevance.


Access to LS room for IEP goal work, skills training, and support

Access to ES room for check-in/check out (CICO) and support

Flexible scheduling to address IEP priorities

Replacement special ed ___class

In-Class Instruction

Modified curriculum (big ideas) w/ adapted tasks

Preferential seating to minimize distractions

Chunking of multi-step instructions and tasks

Directions given one step at a time, avoiding excessive language

Explicit instruction (I DO, WE DO, YOU DO)

Frequent comprehension checks

Extra response time to process information: ___

Slower rate of teacher speech (approx 120 wpm)

Guided notes provided by teacher

Thumbs up/thumbs down to encourage active participation

No requests for student to orally, publicly read in class

Use of calculator


Independent assignments adapted to reading level ____

Time in class provided for assignment completion

Adapted assignments (reduced complexity/big ideas)

Assignments chunked into small sections with time frames

Accuracy checks on assignments by teachers

Provision of exemplar(s) for projects/assignments

Oral review of written instructions

Review background/context prior to assigned readings

Monitor comprehension after assigned readings + review

Use of “Enable Dictation” Chromebook app

Graphic organizers for writing tasks

Extra set of textbooks for home

Writing graded on content, not spelling or grammar

Extended time to complete assignments

Visually uncluttered assignments/reduction of extraneous stimuli

Minimize work outside of class

Communicate assignments/to-do list with parent(s) & LS teacher in a mutually agreeable format (i.e., shared Google Doc, PowerSchool)

Grading & Assessments

Visual review/summary prior to assessment

Chunked assessments w/ review prior to each chunk

Flexible grading (exempting or weighting tasks)

Flexible grading based on work completed

Alternative assessments on big ideas (need to know vs. nice to know)

Adapted assessments (i.e., fewer multiple choice, chunking, word banks, etc.)

Test format to tap recognition instead of constructed response

Assessments read aloud

Option to have assessments read aloud (request)

Extended time on assessments

Dictated responses allowed on assessments

Completed study guides provided prior to tests

Retesting allowed until mastery is demonstrated

Resubmission of assignments allowed for mastery

P/F grading option in computer class based on effort

Behavior & Focus

Access to ES/LS room (or guidance office) to cool down/process feelings

Opportunities to help teacher with tasks

Opportunities for extra movement and brain breaks

Verbal prompts/visual cues to redirect to stay on task

Cool down card or use of visual cue when frustrated

Strategic breaks when demonstrating stress or distraction

Multiple options for academic tasks (student choice)

Frequent positive reinforcement & incentives

Correction sandwiched between positive affirmations

Discrete use of fidget items allowed

Student-requested brain-breaks

Redirection/prompts to increase positive self-talk

Reminders to wait to be called on (vs. blurting out)

Advance notice of change in plans/schedule

Social-Emotional skills training

Anger replacement training

Daily check-in and check-out in LS room

Weekly check-in to clean and organize materials

Attendance contract/token economy (identify motivators w/ interest inven.)

Additional Behavior (ODD, PDA, etc.)

Autism (behavioral SDIs appropriate for select students)

Deliver valuable reinforcement for appropriate behavior on an intermittent schedule (catch * being good - use praise, proximity, smiles, thumbs up, etc., but keep it unpredictable - variable ratio gets best results). * needs their attention "tank" filled up and values adult attention.

Do NOT attend to * when he/she is yelling/talking out. Do not directly correct the misbehavior or talk about it. Instead, direct * to DO something instead. Provide simple, neutral, matter-of-fact directions with few words (i.e., "Sit here"). Direct w/out rewarding * with attention.

For disrespectful or inappropriate language, direct * to move to a quiet place away from people with NO discussion of why & NO explanation of rules. Direct * to do something (i.e., the task that he/she should have been doing). In general, withhold attention from inappropriate behavior when safe to do so.

After a few minutes of appropriate behavior, return * to his/her original seat. Direct * to do something. Continue to catch * being good.