Academic Vocabulary
These terms are assessed by the LS teacher with a Google Forms quiz. Students can study the terms using a Quizlet created by Megan Caton or Kahoots created by Haley Baldinger.
Academic Vocabulary Terms
analyze/analysis - To systematically examine all parts of an issue or event (analyze, verb). an examination of an issue (analysis, noun).
apply - To put into use for a particular purpose (verb)
appropriate - Suitable or proper, given the situation (adjective)
argument - A reason or set of reasons given with the goal of persuading others (noun)
assess - To judge or measure that ability or quality of something/ someone (verb)-
audience - The people who read, watch or listen to something (noun)
categorize - To arrange or put into a particular group or class (verb)
cite/citation - To quote as evidence for an argument or statement (verb). A citation is a quote from a reference or source that is used as evidence (noun).
claim - To state that something is true (verb).
clarify - To make a statement more clearly understood or less confusing (verb)
classify - To arrange or assign to a class. To sort or categorize (verb)
compare - To examine so as to note the similarities and differences of (verb)
compose - To make or create by putting parts or elements together. (verb)
contrast - To compare in order to reveal differences (verb) A striking difference between things compared (noun)
conventions - Widely accepted practices or customs (noun)
counterclaim - A claim stated in opposition to another claim; an opposing viewpoint (noun)
credible - Worthy of confidence; reliable; believable(adjective)
critique - A critical review or commentary , such as an evaluation of an artistic work (noun) To review or evaluate (verb)
define - To state the precise meaning(s) of a word or phrase (verb)
delineate - To describe in detail; to state the exact limits or extent of (verb)
describe - To tell or write about something, giving a clear image (verb)
detail(s) - To describe something fully; item by item (noun)
determine - To decide or settle finally and without question (verb)
develop - To grow or cause to grow (verb)
dialogue - A talk between two or more people or between characters in a play, film, or novel (noun)
discuss - To talk or write about all sides of an issue or event (verb)
evaluate - To judge the value or worth of someone or something (verb)
evidence - Anything that can be used to prove something (noun)
excerpt - A passage or segment taken from a text (phrase, sentence, paragraph or chapter) (noun)
explain - To make clear, plain or understandable (verb)
fact(s) - A statement that can be proven (noun)
formal style - Methodical; following an established manner of expression (noun)
identify - To figure out or show who someone is or what something is (verb)
idiom/idiomatic language - A figure of speech understood by a culture; not meant literally
illustrate - To provide examples or show with a picture/graphic (verb)
infer - To use knowledge/experience to draw conclusions; "Read between the lines" (verb)
interpret - To explain the meaning of; understanding according to one's own beliefs or judgment (verb)
justify - To prove or support a position with specific facts and reasons (verb)
logical - Sensible; in agreement with what may be reasonably expected; (adjective)
mood - A distinctive atmosphere or emotional state (noun)
objective tone - Dealing with facts without letting one's feeling interfere with them (noun)
organization - The method in which a write presents information; examples include chronological, least to most important, cause/effect, problem/solution, and pro/com
paraphrase - A restatement of a passage or text in somewhat different words to simplify or clarify
passage - A piece of writing (noun)
phrase - Two or more words that express an idea and are part of a sentence (noun)
plagiarize - To steal and pass off (as the ideas or words of another) as one's own (verb)
point of view - A way of thinking about or looking at something (noun)
precise - Exact (adjective)
predict - To tell what will happen in the future, based on an understanding of prior events and behaviors (verb)
rank - to assign to a particular position, station, class, etc. (verb)
reason - a cause or explanation for an action, opinion, or event
relevant - Related to or connected with the present matter; (adjective)
source - Any person, place, or thing by which something is supplied (noun)
specific - Special or unique to something.(adj)
state - Express in clear wording.(verb)
sufficient - Enough; as much as needed. (adj)
summarize - To present a brief retelling of the main points. (verb)
supporting details - Specific information that explain or support the main idea (noun)
synthesize - To form by combining parts. (verb)
textual evidence - Giving specific examples, such as quotes or paraphrases, from the reading. (noun)
TDA - Text dependent analysis; a response to a text or texts that supports examples with textual evidence (see above).
theme - The main concept for a work related to life in general. (noun) “THE Message”
tone - An expression of a writer's attitude toward a subject. (noun)
validity/valid - The quality of being logically or factually sound; soundness or cogency (validity, n.); Logical factual (valid, adj.)