LST Tasks & Responsibilities
IEP Case Manager
Write IEPs, facilitate IEP meetings, and oversee the effective implementation of students' IEPs.
Prior to Start of Year:
Review the IEP of each student on roster.
Create a confidential IEP Snapshot. See
Review students’ SDIs & IEPs and note any tasks that need to be completed w/ due date.
Make beginning-of-year IEP revisions (schedule/placement changes, etc.). This requires parent calls.
Create a master schedule of all IEP Roster students.
Plan Instructional Aides’ schedules in light of student needs (coordinate with other Special Ed teachers).
Develop schedule/plan for LS students’ pull-out rotation in interventions and resource.
Communicate flex schedule with students (i.e., tape schedule in assignment book).
Create a to-do list and calendar..
Place key events from annual school calendar in Google calendar.
Note each student’s IEP date and place IEP & PREP in calendar/to-do list (at least 1 month prior to mtg). ALSO NOTE any students who have SP-L therapy (remember to invite SP-L therapist to IEP meetings).
Complete a master list of roster students who need tests/quizzes read to them throughout the year.
Beginning of Year:
Note any assigned duties in calendar (bus duty, etc.).
Complete baseline assessments for IEP goals.
Meet with roster students and review how to log into PowerSchool to self-monitor grades, email teachers, etc.
Ongoing throughout Year:
Collaborate & communicate with students’ teachers to facilitate IEP implementation.
Write new IEPs for each student on roster prior to IEP expiration date and facilitate IEP meetings.
Update IEP Snapshot after each IEP meeting (new SDI, etc.).
Track progress monitoring on each student’s IEP goal throughout the quarter.
Complete quarterly IEP progress reports.
Communicate with parents/guardians and maintain a log of all communications (Google Doc).
Respond to admin, faculty, parent, and others emails & communications in a timely way (ASAP).
Strategic Inclusion & Intervention - ELA
Partner with ELA teachers in the special design and facilitation of learning for students with identified ELA needs (regular ed and/or LS hybrid environments).
Organize the classroom, create bulletin boards, put up posters, and prepare the room for 1st day of school.
Consult with ELA teachers in designing courses with universal design strategies and interventions.
Track students’ progress related to IEP goals and complete “Present Levels” and “Goal” sections of IEPs.
Prepare materials and assessments for classes as needed.
Score and evaluate student assessments as needed.
Other Professional Duties
Attend team, faculty/staff and department meetings & serve on various committees.
Fulfill duties (bus duty, etc.) as assigned.
Develop and track SLOs and other teacher evaluation tools.
Attend professional development trainings.
Read and review educational blogs, journals, websites, etc. to stay current and on cutting edge.