
These are notes I took in a PATTAN video training.

Age Appropriate Transition Assessments

Age-appropriate transition assessment is an ongoing process of collecting information on the youth’s needs, strengths, preferences, and interests as they relate to measurable post-secondary goals and the annual goals that will help facilitate attainment of post-secondary goals.


Assessment is …


Transition assessment is a process. . . . 


Defining Transition Assessment



Types of Transition Assessments


Information can be gathered . . .


Making Sense of the Data


Assessment Drives Transition!

Post-Secondary Goals for Education/Training, Employment, Independent Living

What are Post-Secondary Goals?


Post-Secondary Goals vs. Measurable Annual Goals


Documenting Post-Secondary Goals in the IEP



Post-Secondary Education/Training Goals: Example Statements


Employment Goals: Example Statements


Independent Living Goals: Example Statements


Red Flags for Independent Living


Remember All Post-Secondary Goals



What should a teacher do if a student has no idea what to do after high school? Do assessments (interest inventories, etc.) that can be matched with career categories.


What if a student has unrealistic goals? Explore job requirements and administer assessments and discuss with the student.


What advice would you give regarding families that are concerned about the impact of benefits? Encourage the family to talk to a benefits counselor. (Western PA - Ahead)


Should the goals remain vague?  Yes, because specific changes could change. (In other words, don’t say, “Bryan will go to Penn State University.”)


What are some non-typical examples of independent living skills? Consider how well the student performs in the high school setting (i.e., organization skills, hygiene skills, social skills, etc.).

The Transition Grid

File Review Question #292

Are the Location, Frequency, Projected Beginning Date, Anticipated Duration, and Person(s)/Agency Responsible for Activity/Service documented appropriately?



File Review Question #292a

Do transition services include courses of study that will reasonably enable the student to meet his/her post-secondary goal(s)?



File Review Question #292b

Are there transition services in the IEP that will reasonably enable the student to meet his/her post-secondary goal(s)?





Services and Activities in General Curriculum


So What Do I Put in the Grid?



Are all of the annual measurable goals supposed to be referenced in the IEP Transition grid?  YES, it is recommended. The MAGs should be leading to the student’s post-secondary goals.


If a student has a lot of goals, can he/she lump them together to reference them as services in the grid? NOT recommended. List them separately.


When a student is not addressing a post-secondary goal, do you leave the grid blank? You need to put a statement in like “The IEP team …” and reference this in present levels. (But you would check NO for MAG box if there is no post-secondary goal.)

MAGs - Measurable Annual Goals

File Review Question #292c

Are the measurable annual goals related to the student’s transition services?


Measurable Annual Goals are:


Measurable Annual Goal (MAG)



Writing the MAG: Questions